Ep. 10: Luka Symons Eating Like Our Ancestors

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Live February 11 2020

In Episode Ten of The Supercharged Podcast, we sit down with the ever magnetic, vibrant, + full-of-life Luka Symons to discuss our diet-driven society + take a closer look at what may be truly adding value + what may be potentially stripping our bodies from the important building blocks + nourishment that it needs for optimal health.

Luka is a pillar within the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, a Holistic Nutrition Consultant, committed teacher, devoted Mother, wife, + is hands down one of the most passionate (+ whew, knowledgeable!) food leaders we have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You will find Luka’s approach to healing through food simple + straightforward, all the while celebrating + honouring the biochemical uniqueness we each possess. Her toolkit for healing with food includes the acknowledgment of the time honoured traditions like eating your good fats (yes!), filling your plate with rainbows of colour (to support your best friend, your liver), mandates that we follow our food supply chain closely (do you know where your food comes from?), + perhaps most importantly, paying honour + respect to the meals that both our direct ancestors + those from the land we are living on, have made. In following such a simple recipe for holistic wellness, we begin to witness drastic changes (for the better) in the amounts of inflammation we find running rampant in our bodies, our disorderly mood swings, acne, constipation, migraines, sensitives (the list goes on).

While our conversation feels all too short + the need for so many of us to heal is vast, we encourage you to explore Luka's site + her Vitality Series which touches on topics from your brain, heart, + thyroid, to even histamines. It was truly our pleasure to speak with Luka of her story, her inspiration, + on-going commitment to supporting all of us in welcoming a healthier body, mind, + spirit which we all have the capacity to achieve, if we so choose.


Find more about Luka’s work here.

This podcast is streamed on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, + Soundcloud.

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