Ep. 8: Stacey Irvine Let's Talk Skin Health

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Live January 21 2020

Here to empower the modern day woman to uncover the true beauty of wholesome, radiant health from the inside out, in Episode 9 of The Supercharged Podcast, we speak to Stacey Irvine, skin therapist, registered nurse specializing in functional medicine, teacher of yoga + meditation, mother of three beautiful girls, wife, + best of all - our dear friend. 

Stacey has long been fascinated with the marriage of ancient facial techniques, plant medicine + the science of skin health. As a self-proclaimed life long learner, Stacey loves to study + share openly about what our skin reveals in regards to our own health, nutritional status, detoxification pathways, + overall wellbeing.

In this Podcast we get down to the nitty gritty about what our skin is all about, bust some of the common ideas we have around the nature of our skin, what types of skin care regimens may or may not be beneficial to our skin, the kinds of products we want to use (+ those we want to avoid (hint: parabens!)) - we talk about the skin micro biome, how the gut is connected to our skin (+ vice versa), how you can optimally nourish your skin with tools you may not have heard of before (like ancient gua sha!), + those you may have already in your home.

Without question we all want clear, vibrant, dewy, dreamy skin - but how does one learn from that blemish, irritation, rash, or redness spot, to heal so much more? We hope you enjoy this highly informative discussion with Stacey + are as inspired as we are, to continue to utilize a natural approach to skin care that allows your body to heal, grow, or age naturally, the way nature intended it. 


Find more about Stacey Irvine’s skin magic here + on Instagram here.

This podcast is streamed on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, + Soundcloud.

PodcastThe Gut Lab