Ep. 2: Mitch Marchand EMF 101: The Invisible Truth

Ep. 2 Mitch Marchand EMFs 101 The Invisible Truth

Live October 6 2019

Have a cellphone, smart TV, smart meter, live in the city, love your Wifi, or look out your window and see a cell phone tower? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this podcast is for you. 

What is an EMF? Where do we find EMFs in our home and around us? What effect are EMFs having on us and our family short and long term? 

In this eye opening interview with Mitch Marchand, founder of EMF Aware, certified Building Biology Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, (with a background in Electrical Engineering too), Mitch answers all of these questions and much more as we break down the science in a simplified way so we can better understand this crucial and at times controversial topic that demands our immediate attention in this age of technology. 

Whether you’ve heard about EMFs before or this is all new to you, have begun asking important questions about your health, been on a healing journey for some time, or want to prevent illness in yourself and your family; this podcast will bring to light what you may have not yet considered, but could very possibly be the answer you’re looking for. 

You will leave this interview with the sound knowledge to empower you and your loved ones along with simple and effective tools to help protect you that can be implemented today for free!


Find Mitch Marchand at EMF Aware.

This podcast is streamed on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, + Soundcloud.

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