Ep. 5: Lisa Hewitt Pregnancy, Birth, + a Mother's Intuition

Lisa Hewitt A Supercharged Podcast

Live November 21 2019

For Lisa, the highly medicalized birth of her first child helped lead her to get more curious about her body, birth, + postpartum. Her experience ultimately helped shape how she would view + prepare for her following births + also guide her toward her passions + studies today.

As she prepared for her second and third births years later - she leaned in to the deep seated knowing that she had to let all of her learnings become her, knowing that birth is fierce, but a women’s intuition + innate wisdom is far more so.

As a holistic nutritionist for women, babies, + children as well as a dedicated health advocate + leader, Lisa shares her incredible journey of becoming a Mother while leaving the listener (both the seasoned mother + Mothers-to-be alike) feeling empowered, resilient, + strong .

In this episode we speak to the positive, natural birth narrative, midwifery, birth preparation, the modern medical model, the power of our bodies, the long lasting (+ under-acknowledged) impact of birth trauma, highly medicalized experiences, advocacy for skin to skin, as well as advocacy for your own desired birth experience, resources to deeply understand birth, the first forty days (fourth trimester), the convoluted stigma surrounding the "bounce back effect", + postpartum depletion/depression which may be experienced even years later.

Our hope for new + veteran Mothers is that this conversation leaves you bubbling with the knowing of your own voice + power, + an unwavering trust in your intuition. And for their birth partners, + supporting community, a new desire to care deeply for those preparing for birth, in their fourth trimester, or even those that have been a Mother for years.


Find Lisa Hewitt at Healthy Bright Beginnings + on Instagram here.

This podcast is streamed on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, + Soundcloud.

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